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Free network monitor - monitoring software EasyNetMonitor

The smallest free tool for monitoring computers in your local network and any internet hosts. Just start EasyNetMonitor, open popup-menu in tray and get the information about computers network state.

Download EasyNetMonitor now!
v 2.70, 0.3 Mb,

Setup (MSI installer)
EasyNetMonitor PRO
Download EasyNetMonitorPro now! Setup (MSI installer)
v 3.09, 0.3 Mb,

Order EasyNetMonitorPro now!
EasyNetMonitor SE
Download EasyNetMonitorSE now! Setup (MSI installer)
v 3.12, 0.4 Mb,

Order EasyNetMonitorSE now!
  • EasyNetMonitor is the easiest and quickest way to get information on-line about computers in your local network!
  • You don't need to install it, just download and use free network monitor EasyNetMonitor anywhere
  • EasyNetMonitor is only 300 Kb (only one file)
  • You can monitor any internet host
  • Email notifications (your computer name should be in English letters only!)
  • Sound notifications
  • Event log
  • EasyNetMonitor is free

EasyNetMonitor PRO additional features

  • Actions
  • Ping options
  • Improved email notifications
  • Desktop indicator
  • Event log viewer
  • Statistics for each host
  • Test (emulator) mode
  • Localization
  • EasyNetMonitorPro is only one file (300 Kb)

EasyNetMonitor SE additional features

  • Windows service version of EasyNetMonitor PRO
Free version of network monitor EasyNetMonitor
Network monitor EasyNetMonitor

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EasyNetMonitor, EasyNetMonitor PRO and EasyNetMonitor SE system requirements

You should have Microsoft .NET 4.0 installed (Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista OS's already have it).

EasyNetMonitor SE is the Windows service version of EasyNetMonitor PRO.
Config file (enm_config.txt) is compatible for all versions of EasyNetMonitor.

All our programs have our NiceKit digital signature, but this signature is not verified by Microsoft.
So you can see the warning "Unknown Publisher" when installation of our program starts.
Please select "More Info" and then "Run Anyway" buttons on the Windows SmartScreen protection panel, if the panel appears. We guarantee the absence of malicious code in our programs!

FAQ for EasyNetMonitor

  1. Is it possible to start the network monitor from FLASH drive?
  2. How do I use it?
  3. How does it work?
  4. How to set email options?
  5. Is there any possibility to add multiple email addresses for alerting in the case of failures?
  6. How many maximum IP's that we can monitor from this software?
  7. The config file (enm_config.txt) is compatible for all versions of EasyNetMonitor, PRO and SE?
  8. Can I edit the config file manually?
  9. Is there a way to mass add address? I can see what need to be set it in the config file, can I set my own ? Something like [1] [2] etc?
  10. Do I have to deinstall the program, if I use portable version?
  11. What to do if you see "Error at initialization of the address (0*с0000135). For Close press ОК..."?

FAQ for EasyNetMonitor PRO and
EasyNetMonitor SE:

  1. Is it possible to start the EasyNetMonitor PRO from FLASH drive?
  2. How change the size of indicator?
  3. What is the group filed?
  4. What is the name of Windows service of EasyNetMonitor SE?
  5. Which should be settings of host if we would like to send an email after 3 consecutive "lost connection messages", and then send an email, when the host is available again, but only after its status is "stable" (after 6 "online" messages)?
  6. What is the test (emulator) mode?

  1. Is it possible to start the network monitor from FLASH drive?

    Yes. Copy the EasyNetMonitor.exe file to the FLASH drive and start it. No installation needed.

    By default EasyNetMonitor.exe uses the config file (enm_config.txt) from the folder C:\Users\USER\Documents\EasyNetMonitor.
    But if in the EasyNetMonitor.exe folder there is the config file (enm_config.txt) then this file will be used in any case.

    If you define the 'Log' as the event log folder in the Options window (in the enm_config.txt) then will be used the folder 'Log' in the EasyNetMonitor.exe folder as the event log folder.

    You can use '..\Log' notation for event log folder if needed.

  2. How do I use it?

    Run program, open popup menu and add address of needed remote PC or internet host.
    The new icon with this address will be added in EasyNetMonitor popup menu.
    This icon will be green if the PC with this address is reachable across a network, otherwise the icon will be red.

  3. How does it work?

    EasyNetMonitor works by sending “echo request” packets to the target PC and listening for “echo response” replies. Program uses ping (ICMP) tool built-in Windows system. 

    If needed add EasyNetMonitor in the list of trusted (excluded) programs in Windows Firewall and Antivirus on your PC.

  4. How to set email options?

    Please set the 25 Port without SSL to use your corporate email server.
    If you want to send email notifications using see here, if you use - see here.

    If you use the and receive the error messaage "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required" then enable "Less Secure Sign-In" in your google account. After sign into google account, go to:

    Emails fails, what can be the problem?
    Please see the log file - there are error messages in it if email fails.
    Please check:
    Firewall settings - may be FW blocks ENM.
    Antivirus settings - may be antivirus blocks ENM.
    Please note - the name of PC should be in english!

  5. Is there any possibility to add multiple email addresses for alerting in the case of failures?

    Yes, you can use several email addresses (use CC box in email options).

  6. How many maximum IP's that we can monitor from this software?

    In EasyNetMonitor you can use only 20 hosts.
    EasyNetMonitor RPO and SE do not have hosts limit.

  7. The config file (enm_config.txt) is compatible for all versions of EasyNetMonitor, PRO and SE?

    Yes, of course.

  8. Can I edit the config file manually?

    Yes, of course. The program (service) should be stopped in this time.

  9. Is there a way to mass add address? I can see what need to be set it in the config file, can I set my own ? Something like [1][2] etc?

    Yes, of course, but this ID's should be unique.

    NAME=google website

    Each host should always have these four lines in the configuration file, others lines in section of the host are not mandatory.

  10. Do I have to deinstall the program, if I use portable version?

    No, simply remove the program file of network monitor. 

  11. What to do if you see "Error at initialization of the address (0*с0000135). For Close press ОК..."?

    Such message appears when th Microsoft .NET 4.0 package isn't installed on PC. 

FAQ for EasyNetMonitor PRO and EasyNetMonitor SE:

  1. Is it possible to start EasyNetMonitor PRO from FLASH drive?

    Yes. Copy the EasyNetMonitorPro.exe file to the FLASH drive and start it. No installation needed.

    By default EasyNetMonitorPro.exe uses the config file (enm_config.txt) from the folder C:\Users\USER\Documents\EasyNetMonitor.
    But if in the EasyNetMonitorPro.exe folder there is the config file (enm_config.txt) then this file will be used in any case.

    If you define the 'Log' as the event log folder in the Options window (in the enm_config.txt) then will be used the folder 'Log' in the EasyNetMonitorPro.exe folder as the event log folder.

    You can use '..\Log' notation for the event log folder if needed.

  2. How change the size of indicator?

    Please use Resize mode (On\Off) item in the popup menu (right mouse click) of indicator. Please see the picture.

  3. What is the group filed?

    Using group you can:
    1. add top level item in the main menu that contains all hosts from this group
    2. change the order of hosts in the desktop indicator (the sorting rule: string=group+name)

  4. What is the name of Windows service of EasyNetMonitor SE?

    The service name is EasyNetMonitorSrv.

  5. Which should be settings of host if we would like to send an email after 3 consecutive "lost connection messages", and then send an email, when the host is available again, but only after its status is "stable" (after 6 "online" messages)?

    Please see here.

    You can use the the emulator mode in ENM for testing. Emails will be not send and will appear in "Emulator" window only. Create the simple txt file in ENM folder: enm_emu_offline_list.txt.
    If your host will be in start of some line of the text in this file - so ENM get "lost connection" message after ping for this host.
    For testing is useful to disable ENM monitor on some time and send pings from "Ping now" window for this host only.

    The settings in "Options->Email options" window are active for all hosts. If this options are active so will be send log file with info from all hosts. You can not use this options in your case.

  6. What is the test (emulator) mode?

    This is a test mode for configuring notifications, e-mail messages and actions. Mode is activated if the text file enm_emu_offline_list.txt exists in the program folder. In this mode, the service (or EasyNetMonitor PRO) stops sending the real ping command to all hosts and gets information about "lost connection" hosts from this file. Addresses of this hosts are listed at the beginning of the lines in this file. All other hosts are "online".

    In this mode, the actual e-mails will be not sent and actions will be not started. However, the information that the email should send and the action should run appears in the emulator message box. This emulator message box opens automatically.

    The addresses in the file should be at the beginning of the line.
    For example:

    This means that hosts,, are "lost connection".

    If the address is not in the beginning of the line, that it is "online".
    For example:

    Hosts and are "online". But there is no connection to

    You can open the file enm_emu_offline_list.txt in the text editor (Notepad), make changes and click "Save file" without closing the editor. If the program is installed in the Program Files, then run editor (Notepad) with administrator rights please.

    Please rename or delete this file to stop test (emulator) mode.
    It is not necessary to restart the service EasyNetMonitorSrv in EasyNetMonitor SE.